blit<S> abstract method

void blit<S>(
  1. Buffer<S> from, {
  2. Rect? source,
  3. Pos? target,
  4. BlendMode blend = BlendMode.srcOver,

Blits, or copies with blending, the pixel data from a source buffer to this buffer.

If a source rectangle is provided, only the pixels within that rectangle are copied, and the rectangle will be clipped to the bounds of the source buffer. If omitted, the entire source buffer will be copied.

If a target position is provided, the top-left corner of the source rectangle will be copied starting at that position. If omitted, the top-left corner of the source rectangle will be copied to the top-left corner of the this buffer. If there is not sufficient space in the target buffer, the source rectangle will be clipped to fit this.

If a blend mode is provided, the pixels will be blended using that mode.


final src = IntPixels(2, 2, data: Uint32List.fromList([
  0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000, //
  0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, //

final dst = IntPixels(3, 3);
dst.blit(src, source: Rect.fromLTWH(1, 0, 1, 2));
dst.blit(src, target: Pos(1, 1));
dst.blit(src, source: Rect.fromLTWH(1, 0, 1, 2), target: Pos(1, 1));


void blit<S>(
  Buffer<S> from, {
  Rect? source,
  Pos? target,
  BlendMode blend = BlendMode.srcOver,