asWeighted method

WeightedWalkable<E> asWeighted(
  1. double weight(
    1. E source,
    2. E target

Returns a view of this walkable as a weighted walkable.

The weight function is used to determine the weight of an edge between two nodes, and is invoked with the source and target nodes of the edge each time the edge is accessed.


final unweighted = Walkable.generate(
  successors: (node) => switch (node) {
    'a' => ['b'],
    _ => const [],
  roots: () => ['a'],

final weighted = unweighted.asWeighted((source, target) => 1);
print(weighted.successors('a')); // [('a', 1)]


WeightedWalkable<E> asWeighted(
  double Function(E source, E target) weight,
) {
  return _AsWeightedWalkable(this, weight);