topologicalSort<T> function Graphs

List<T> topologicalSort<T>(
  1. Iterable<T> roots, {
  2. required Iterable<T> successors(
    1. T

Returns a topological sort of the directed edges provided, if one exists.

The roots are the starting nodes of the graph, and successors is a function that returns the nodes that are directly accessible from a given node.

If the graph contains a cycle, a CycleException is thrown.


We will sort integers from 1 to 9, each integer having its two immediate greater numbers as successors, starting with two roots, 5 and 1:

Iterable<int> successors(int vertex) {
  return switch (vertex) {
    final n when n <= 7 => [n + 1, n + 2],
    8 => [9],
    _ => [],

final sorted = topologicalSort([5, 1], successors);
print(sorted); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


List<T> topologicalSort<T>(
  Iterable<T> roots, {
  required Iterable<T> Function(T) successors,
}) {
  // TODO: Add Tracer.
  final stack = [...roots];
  if (stack.isEmpty) {
    return const [];

  final result = ListQueue<T>();
  final marked = HashSet<T>();
  final visited = HashSet<T>();
  do {
    final node = stack.removeLast();
    if (marked.contains(node)) {
    if (visited.remove(node)) {
    } else {
      for (final next in successors(node)) {
        if (visited.contains(next)) {
          throw CycleException<T>(next);
  } while (stack.isNotEmpty);
  return result.toList();