Grids topic
Grid data structures and adaptors to work as a graph.
Table of Contents:
A grid is a collection of elements accessible by a two-dimensional index and
with a default (empty
) value:
enum Tile {
// Create a 5x8 grid filled with `Tile.wall`.
// When resizing a grid, the `empty` value is used to fill the new cells.
final grid = Grid.filled(5, 8, empty: Tile.wall);
Or, to specify a different default fill:
// Create a 5x8 grid filled with `Tile.floor`, but the default is `Tile.wall`.
final grid = Grid.filled(5, 8, empty: Tile.wall, fill: Tile.floor);
To retrieve and update cells in the grid:
// Retrieve the value at (2, 3).
print(grid.get(2, 3)); // Tile.wall
// Update the value at (2, 3).
grid.set(2, 3, Tile.floor);
print(grid.get(2, 3)); // Tile.floor
Or to iterate over the grid:
for (final row in grid.rows) {
for (final cell in row) {
Sparse Grids
The default grid implementation is a dense grid, ListGrid
, which is backed by
a 1-dimensional List
Dense grids are ideal for small to medium-sized grids, or where most cells are
filled with the non-empty value. For larger grids where most cells are empty and
iteration over the full set of cells is a rare operation, a sparse grid,
provided by SplayTreeGrid
, can be more efficient:
final grid = SplayTreeGrid.fileld(5, 8, empty: Tile.wall);
print(grid.get(2, 3)); // Tile.wall
print(grid.nonEmptyEntries.length); // 0
Adapting a Grid to a Graph
A Grid
can be represented as a graph-like structure with GridWalkable
final grid = Grid.filled(5, 8, empty: Tile.wall);
final graph = GridWalkable.from(grid);
An implicit grid is formed where each cell is a node, and edges are created between horizontal and vertical neighbors.
Alternatively, custom directions can be specified:
// Use diagonal directions instead of horizontal and vertical.
final a = GridWalkable.diagonal(grid);
// Use all 8 directions, both horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.
final b = GridWalkable.all8Directions(grid);
// Or, to specify your own directions. For example, just left and down:
final c = GridWalkable.from(grid, directions: [
const Pos(1, 0),
const Pos(0, 1),
These adaptors are entirely lazy, and you could imagine using a different one for different movement patterns:
// A knight in chess can move in an L-shape.
const chessKnight = [
Pos(1, 2),
Pos(2, 1),
Pos(2, -1),
Pos(1, -2),
Pos(-1, -2),
Pos(-2, -1),
Pos(-2, 1),
Pos(-1, 2),
E> Grids - A collection of elements accessible by a two-dimensional index.
E> Grids - Adapts a Grid into a WeightedWalkable.
E> Grids - A dense grid implementation using a 1-dimension List to store elements.
E> Grids - A sparse grid implementation backed by a SplayTreeMap.