Pathfinding topic

Pathfinding algorithms and utilities structured over Walkable and WeightedWalkables.

Table of Contents:

Finding a Path

Pathfinding algorithms are implemented as a Pathfinder interface (or mixin), which is a function that takes a Walkable, a start node, and teh concept of a Goal (which can be a single node, a set of nodes, or a function that determines if a node is a goal):

final graph = Walkable.linear(['a', 'b', 'c']);

final path = breadthFirstSearch(graph, 'a', Goal.node('c'));
print(path); // Path(['a', 'b', 'c'])

Directed Graphs

Every Graph (and Walkable) implementation is always directed (even undirected graphs are represented as directed graphs with two edges for each undirected edge), so every Pathfinder algorithm is designed to work with any graph type without adaptation:

  • BFS, breadthFirstSearch: explore nearest successors first, then widen the search.
  • DFS, depthFirstSearch: explore a path as far as possible before backtracking.
  • IDDFS, iterativeDepthFirstSearch: explore longer and longer paths at the cost of similar reexaminations.

Weighted Graphs

While breadth-first search finds the shortest path in an unweighted graph, it is not guaranteed to find the shortest path in a weighted graph, where edges have a non-uniform cost. Weighted searches use the BestPathfinder, of which the only implementation is dijkstra:

  • Dijkstra, dijkstra: find the shortest path in a weighted graph.


Dijkstra's algorithm is exhaustive, and can be slow for large graphs.


Some graph algorithms can optimize on Dijkstra's algorithm by using a heuristic to guide the search, which is an estimate of minimum cost to reach the target node or goal. The canonical heuristic search algorithm is astar, which implements HeuristicPathfinder:

  • A*, astar: find the shortest path in a weighted graph using a heuristic.

However, as with Dijkstra's algorithm, A* can be slow for large graphs. Other heuristic search algorithms are available:

  • Greedy, greedy: find the shortest path in a weighted graph using a heuristic, with a focus on speed.
  • Fringe, fringe: find the shortest path in a weighted graph using a heuristic, with a focus on performance.

Picking a Heuristic

A heuristic is a function that takes a node and returns an estimate of the minimum cost to reach the goal.

For grid-based graphs, built-in GridHeuristic implementations are available:

  • Manhattan, GridHeuristic.manhattan: estimate the minimum cost to reach the goal using the Manhattan distance.
  • Diagonal, GridHeuristic.diagonal: estimate the minimum cost to reach the goal using the Diagonal distance.
  • Chebyshev, GridHeuristic.chebyshev: estimate the minimum cost to reach the goal using the Chebyshev distance.
  • Euclidean, GridHeuristic.euclidean: estimate the minimum cost to reach the goal using the Euclidean distance.

The heuristics can be further tweaked by applying a ratio, which is a multiplier applied to the heuristic value. For example, a ratio of 1.0 is the default heuristic, a ratio of 0.0 is equivalent to Dijkstra's algorithm, and a much higher ratio approaches a greedy search.

final heuristic = GridHeuristic.manhattan(ratio: 2.0);

Writing a Heuristic

When tweaking heuristics, or writing your own, following guidelines can help optimize the search.

Given h(n), the heuristic, and g(n), the (unknown) actual cost:

Heuristic Optimality Guarantee Performance
h(n) == 0 Yes ^1 Potentially slower
h(n) <= g(n) Yes Varies (slower with lower h(n))
h(n) == g(n) Yes Fastest possible
h(n) > g(n) No Faster
h(n) > g(n), always No ^2 Very fast

^1: Abecomes Dijsktra's algorithm. ^2: A becomes Greedy Best-First Search.

For example, the Manhattan heuristic is h(n) = |x1 - x2| + |y1 - y2|, which is admissible (never overestimates the cost as long as the standard moves are 1.0), and consistent (the cost of moving from n to n' is always less than or equal to h(n) - h(n')).

Other heuristics may not be admissible or consistent, but can still be useful.

See also:


Astar<E> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that finds an optimal shortest path using a heuristic.
BreadthFirstSearch<E> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that search the shallowest nodes in a graph first.
DepthFirstSearch<E> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that explores the graph in depth first order.
Dijkstra<E> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that finds the best path in a weighted graph.
FringeAstar<E> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that finds an optimal shortest path using a heuristic.
Goal<T> Pathfinding
Represents a goal in a pathfinding algorithm.
GreedyBestFirstSearch<E> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that chooses the locally optimal path at each step.
GridHeuristic Pathfinding
A heuristic that estimates the minimum total cost of reaching a Pos goal.
Heuristic<T> Pathfinding
A heuristic estimates the minimum total cost of reaching a Goal.
Path<T> Pathfinding
A representation of a path in a graph.


BestPathfinder<E> Pathfinding
Visits a WeightedWalkable's nodes, finding a best path to a goal node.
HeuristicPathfinder<E> Pathfinding
Visits a WeightedWalkable's nodes, finding a best path to a goal node.
Pathfinder<E> Pathfinding
Visits a Walkable's node, finding one or more paths to a goal node.


astar → const Astar<Object?> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that finds an optimal shortest path using a heuristic.
breadthFirstSearch → const BreadthFirstSearch<Object?> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that search the shallowest nodes in a graph first.
depthFirstSearch → const DepthFirstSearch<Object?> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that explores the graph in depth first order.
dijkstra → const Dijkstra<Object?> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that finds the best path in a weighted graph.
fringeAstar → const FringeAstar<Object?> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that finds an optimal shortest path using a heuristic.
greedyBestFirstSearch → const GreedyBestFirstSearch<Object?> Pathfinding
Pathfinding algorithm that chooses the locally optimal path at each step.


countPaths<T>(WalkableBase<T> walkable, {required T start, required Goal<T> goal, Tracer<T>? tracer}) int Pathfinding
Counts the total number of paths from start to a goal in a walkable.